Wednesday, July 08, 2009


In the beginning god played music. He did this because he lived through the metaphor. He anticipated people reading the story. He wanted to write the story for their desires. Turns out he was wrong. First they messed up the story. Then they argued over it. It was lost on their ears. When KMFE asked God for the meaning of creation, it was so apparent that KMFE knew nothing of the music that for frustration and embarrassment God could not answer him. Thus has been God since then. KMFE stood on a mountain top and asked his question and received no answer, because God could not face him. And it was with this memory that KMFE met EKA. EKA was introduced to KMFE by dead philosophers. They are weak, the new friend said, but I am strong. “Kant even discusses the morality of having gout,” KMFE explained to EKA during one of their discussions. “He does to morality what the Ontological Proof does to God: gives it life only by sucking out all the substance, till you could walk right through it.” “His counter to the Ontological Argument is quite elegant,” EKA protested. “And that's just what makes him spineless. He can see the fallacy in the ontological argument, but he can't see the flaw. The argument is invalid because it assumes that the sofa that exists can be distinguished from the identical sofa that does not, but the argument is simply WRONG because it reduces the sofa to something you can't even sit in.”

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